HISPhonCog 2019 - HISPhonCog
Call for papers
HISPhonCog 2019
Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2019
Theme: Linguistic and cognitive functions of prosody and higher-order linguistic structures in speech production and perception in native and non-native languages
Dates: May 24-25, 2019 (and May 23 for satellite workshops)
Venue: HIT, Hanyang University, Seoul.
Address: HIT, 222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
HIPCS (Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language), together with Department of English Language and Literature, holds its second annual international symposium on current issues on phonetics and cognitive sciences of language—i.e., HISPhonCog 2019. The theme of HISPhonCog 2019 is “linguistic and cognitive functions of prosody and higher-order linguistic structures in speech production and perception in native and non-native languages.”
Recent years have witnessed ample empirical evidence that one of the essential linguistic structural components that underlie the phonetic encoding-decoding process is prosodic structure. The fundamental assumption that underlies the theme is that the prosodic structure is an integral part of speech production serving as a frame for articulation which, for example, regulates groupings of phonological constituents and prominence distribution in conjunction with tonal/Intonational specifications. This view of prosody entails further that a prosodic structure of an utterance is determined in reference to various other components of the linguistic structure of the language (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax, information structure, and discourse structure) as well as extra- or para-linguistic factors (e.g., social indexical information and emotions). Thus, in order for the speaker to deliver a linguistic message to the listener successfully, the speaker must be able to encode the linguistic message in prosodic-structurally conditioned phonetic forms that reflect other linguistic and extra-linguistic structures, and the listener must in turn be able to exploit the resulting fine phonetic detail in decoding the intended linguistic message in reference to the prosodic structure that underlies the speech signal. This premise applies to speech production and perception in both L1 and L2. HISPhonCog 2019 explores any issues related to this theme as well as general issues in native and non-native speech produciton and perception. There will be a special session on neuro-cognitive aspects of the role of prosody.
Invited Speakers

Invited speakers for general sessions
- Mary Beckman (OSU, USA)
- Edward Flemming (MIT, USA)
- Cecile Fougeron (Paris 3, Sorbonne, CNRS, France)
- Martine Grice (University of Cologne, Germany)
- Sun-Ah Jun (UCLA, USA)
- Jason Shaw (Yale University, USA)
- Michael Tyler (Western Sydney University, Australia)
- Jie Zhang (University of Kansas, USA)
Invited speakers for the special session on neuro-cognitive aspects of prosody
- Karsten Steinhauer (McGill University, Canada)
- Ferenc Honbolygó (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
Invited discussants
- Anne Cutler (Western Sydney U, MARCS, ARC Centre of Excellence, Australia) - General Session
- Holger Mitterer (University of Malta, Malta) - Special Session
Planned satellite workshops (May 23)
- Workshop 1:
- Theme: Theoretical and practical issues on ToBI in Korean
- Orgaganizers: Sun-Ah Jun (UCLA), Sahyang Kim (Hongik U.) and Taehong Cho (Hanyang U.)
- URL: http://site.hanyang.ac.kr/web/hisphoncog/workshops/k-tobi
- Workshop 2:
- Theme: Cognition and Bilingualism: Speech perception issues in bilingualism (tentative)
- Organizers: Anne Cutler (Western Sydney U, MARCS) and Mark Antoniou (Western Sydney U, MARCS)
- URL: site.hanyang.ac.kr/web/hisphoncog/workshops/bilingualism
Support for international participants:
- Free local hotel accommodation (3 nights) for international presenters affiliated with a foreign institute/university, travelling from abroad. For those presenters who also attend a satellite workshop on May 23, one additional night (before the workshop day) will be provided. (The detail will be sent to qualified individuals along with an acceptance letter.)
- No registration fees (including 2 lunches, refreshments and one banquet)
(New) Deadline of submission of a two-page long abstract: March 31, 2019Notification of Acceptance: No later than April 14, 2019Free Registration with free accommodation: No later than April 21, 2019- Free Registration (general): No later than April 10, 2019
- Symposium dates: May 24-25, 2019 (May 23 for satellite events)
Abstract Submission Instruction (EasyChair):
- A PDF file of a two-page abstract (single-spaced with 12 pt font size *without* a list of authors’ names and their affiliations) should be submitted through EasyChair by March 31, 2019.
- URL for EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?conf=hisphoncog2019
Free Registration by April 21
- To fill out the pre-registration form, click here if you are an international presenter, or click here if you are a domestic participant. Please submit the pre-registration form by no later than April 21, 2019 to be guaranteed for free accommodation (for international presenters) and free registration (for all participants and audience).
- Pre-registration form that arrives after April 21 may still be considered for free registration and accommodation, depending on the budget and availability.
- On-site registration will be possible (see here), but note that the onsite registration fees will be for admission and the reception, and the program handbook and free lunches may not be available.
- For further information, please check the conference website or contact us at hanyang.hipcs@gmail.com.
Local Organizing Committee
- Taehong Cho (Chair, Hanyang University, Seoul)
- Sahyang Kim (Hongik University, Seoul)
- Say Young Kim (Hanyang University, Seoul)
- Jonny Jungyun Kim (Hanyang University, Seoul)